Wednesday, May 3, 2023


Hi, Readers

Requirment:-Need to develop functionality to update the below date fields on all the selected PO lines.

o here’s what you need to develop.


On the Purchase order form, create a drop down form, and add the columns we need to update (highlighted fields from the above screenshot) on that drop dialog.


So, once the user selects a few PO lines and assign values to our drop dialog fields and click update button, the respective date fields should be updated on all the selected PO lines.

1.PurchTable_Extension --Clicked Method extension


internal final class ValleyForge_Extension


   /// <summary>

   /// update button clicked method.

   /// </summary>

   public void clicked()


       next clicked();

       PurchLine       purchline;

       FormRun formrun;

       Args args = new Args();;



       formrun=  classFactory.formRunClass(args);




2.Drop dilog form ==Clicked method

  /// <summary>

       ///clicked method on update button.

       /// </summary>

       public void clicked()



           formrun = element.args().caller();

           FormDataSource fds = formrun.dataSource('purchline');

           PurchLine               purchlineloca;

           //str value2 = formrun.args().parm() ;

         //  con = str2con(value2,";");

           MultiSelectionHelper helper = MultiSelectionHelper::construct();


           purchlineloca = helper.getFirst();

           while (purchlineloca)


               select forupdate purchline where purchline.InventTransId == purchlineloca.InventTransId;


               purchline.DeliveryDate = DeliveryDate.dateValue();

               purchline.ConfirmedDlv = ConfirmedDeliveryDate.dateValue();



               purchlineloca = helper.getNext();








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