Sunday, June 18, 2023

how to open TransTaxInformation form by Custom Button.


The Control called "Tax Information" is present in the PurchTable form. My requirement is to add the same control in purcheditlines and populate data the same as standard control data.


internal final class Dax_PurchEditLInes_TaxInformation_Extension


   public void clicked()


       Args            args;

       FormRun         formRun,formrunloca,formrunpurchtable;

       PurchLine       purchline;

       FormControl     formcontrol ;

       PurchParmLine   purchparmline;


       next clicked();


       formcontrol = any2Object(this);

       formrunloca = formcontrol.formRun();


       purchparmline = formrunloca.dataSource().cursor();


       select * from purchline

           where purchline.PurchId == purchparmline.OrigPurchId

           && purchline.ItemId     == purchparmline.ItemId;


       args = new Args();;

       formrunpurchtable = new FormRun(args);






       formRun = New FormRun(args);








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My Requirement is Delete option in Vendor Master for all roles except System Administrator

   [FormControlEventHandler(formControlStr(VendParameters, VendParameters_YNV_VendorMasterDeletionOption), FormControlEventType::Modified)] ...