Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Joins In X++

There are 4 joins in d365 f&o.

1. Inner join 

2. Outer Join 

3. Exists join

4. Notexists join 

I have created a 2 tables:-

Inner join:-
We will get all the "matched records " from two tables.

Outer Join:-
We will get total data from the "parent table" i.e. table1 and only matched records from table2.

Exists join:-
We will get the data only from the "parent table" i.e.table1 that too matched data only.
NotExists Join:-
We will get data only from the "parent table" table1 i.e. unmatched data. (not common data from table1 & table2).


  1. Akhil Thanks for explaining in detail. Most helpful blog, keep going and post more

  2. Thanks Akhil for the information. I cracked interview after studying from your blog


My Requirement is Delete option in Vendor Master for all roles except System Administrator

   [FormControlEventHandler(formControlStr(VendParameters, VendParameters_YNV_VendorMasterDeletionOption), FormControlEventType::Modified)] ...