Query introduction:-
Query:-query are used to retrieve data from database.
queries are two types :-1.static query
2.dynamic query
Static query:-A static query is a result that never changes. It is based on information that matched the criteria from the particular moment when the query was made.
only specific range purpose use static queries .
create Static query:- for example this static query
The Application Object Tree (AOT) provides a graphical interface for creating queries. These are known as static queries
1.In the AOT, right-click Queries, and then click New Query.
2.Right-click Data Dictionary, and then click Open New Window.
3.Drag a table, map, or view from the second window to the Data Sources node under the new query in the first window.
1.query-- data source -field property --by default Dynamics - unselected -- if your didn't change this property, the below error msg populate .
2.query-- data source -field property --set to dynamics fields------- yes--if you select in lookup --yes all the table fields are visible.
3.query-- data source -field property --set to dynamics fields------- no--if you select in look up --no the table fields are not visiable.
In query data source first added parent data source ,in this parent data source you can add multiple child data sources.
A dynamic query is updated with its criteria each time you click into the query.
At the top of the page, you can see a date that indicates when the query was last updated.
dynamically apply the range that time we can use the dynamic queries.
1.jobs location write the code .
QUERY OBJECT MODE:-1.QOM contains classes and to define & run a query
2.these objects are used to define the query data source, the fields RETURNED
To create Dynamic Querys In ax we will use following classes.
1.QUERY ---------> to create the structure for the query
2.QUERYBUILDDATASOURCE --------> to add the DataSource the query
3.QUERYRANGE ----------> to apply ranges
4.QUERYFILTER ---------> worked as where class in a standard Sql statement
5.QUERYBUILDLINK ----------> to add and link two data sources.
6.QUERYHAVINGFILTER ----------> used for aggregate functions.
*adddatasource--to add data source
*addlink----to use realtions
*orderMode:: ------order by group by
*addGroupByField--filed adding
query q;
querybuilddatasource qbds;
querybuildrange qbr;
queryrun qr;
Purchtable purchtable;
q = new query ();
qbds = q.adddatasource(tablenum(purchtable));
qbr = qbds.addrange(fieldnum(purchtable,purchid));
qr = new queryrun(q);
if(qr.promt())------- prompt() - if you mentioned prompt() method automatically create one dialogue box .in this dialogue box you can give your criteria.
while (qr.next())
info(strfmt("%1 - %2",PurchTable.PurchId,PurchTable.PurchName));
static void Having_Filter(Args _args)
Query q ;
QueryBuildDataSource qbd;
QueryBuildRange qbr;
QueryHavingFilte qhf;
QueryRun qr;
Cust1 c;
q = new Query();
qbd = q.addDataSource(tableNum(Cust1));
qbd.addSelectionField(fieldNum(Cust1, RecId),SelectionField::Count);
qhf = q.addHavingFilter(qbd,fieldStr(Cust1,RecId),AggregateFunction::Count);
qhf.value( ">= 10000");
qr = new QueryRun(q);
c = qr.getNo(1);
info(strFmt("group %1:%2",c.salary,c.RecId));
static void Queryfilter(Args _args)
Query q;
QueryBuildDataSource qbd;
QueryBuildDataSource qbd1;
QueryBuildLink qbl;
QueryBuildRange qbr;
QueryRun qr;
QueryFilter qf;
Sales s;
Order1 o;
q = new Query();
qbd = q.addDataSource(tableNum(Sales));
qbd1 = qbd.addDataSource(tableNum(Order1));
qbl = qbd1.addLink(fieldNum(Sales, SaleId),fieldNum(order1 ,salesid));
qf = q.addQueryFilter(qbd1,fieldStr(Order1,SaleId));
qr= new QueryRun(q);
s = qr.get(tableNum(Sales));
o = qr.get(tableNum(Order1));
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