Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Create a Item in d365fo

 Navigation for product creation:-

product information management >>  Products >>Relesed Products>> New

  • Enter the Product number and product name.
  • Select the Item model group, item group, Storage dimension group and tracking dimension group.
  • If required(Other than the ea that is each as it is the default), Enter the Inventory Unit, Purchase Unit, Sales Unit, and BOM Unit.
  • The Purchase Price, Sales Price, and Inventory Price.
  • Click OK.

  • Click Validate to check whether the created product is valid or not.
created supplementary  items 1.Si1-- Pouch

Main Item:- Mobile
  • I've added supplementary items to the main item.

  • Enter the quantity of the main item of your choice and enter the supplementary item quantity for the main item quantity selected. Example: Select 1 Main item quantity and 1 Supplementary item quantity which means we are set 1 supplementary item for each main item.

Added Suppelemtery items to purchase order line for the main item.

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My Requirement is Delete option in Vendor Master for all roles except System Administrator

   [FormControlEventHandler(formControlStr(VendParameters, VendParameters_YNV_VendorMasterDeletionOption), FormControlEventType::Modified)] ...