Sunday, February 11, 2024

Interview Questions

 Microsoft Dynamics 365 F&O Questions.

1. Define EDT and its uses.

2. What are the Replacement key, surrogate key,Configuration key and their uses.

3. Difference between index and index hint.

4. What are table types, groups, and Cachelookup?

5. Define Batch Job and the difference between a batch job and sysoperation.

6. Purpose of Containers.

7. Define Args.

8. Define COC concept.

9. Difference between COC and Event Handler.

10.How to get cursor record in COC of table and form level.

11.How to create reports and what are the classes involved in it and method calling sequences.

12.How to get current record in Report and which place to write code for validation in report.

13.Method calling sequences of table and forms.

14.Tables and classes involved for creating, confirmation,picking,packing,invoice of a sales order.

15. Tables and classes involved for creation,Confirmation,Product receipt and invoice of Purchase order.

16.How to create a number sequence.

17.Difference between view and query.

18.Can we give relations in Query.

19.Define SysOperation Framework.

20.Function to get current user,Current System Date.

21.What are Joins and types.

22.What are Link Types.

23.Difference between a model and package.

24.What is Orig method.

25.Difference between a cross company and change company.

26. What are form templates. Describe any 5 templates with Examples.

27.What is a bounded control and unbounded control in form.

28.Without using the insert() method can we insert data.

Ans : InsertRecordset

29.Without using the update() method can we update the data.

Ans. UpdateRecordSet

30.What are set based operations.

Ans : InsertRecordset, UpdateRecordSet, InsertRecordList, UpdateRecordList

31.How to get footer in every page of report.

Ans: In footer properties check the box. to add a image in report.

Ans: Add image in report and in Organization administration  and adda field of type container and write the code in dp.

33.Can we open a report without controller class.

34.How to be the cursor on latest created record in form level.

Ans: In formdatasource property there will be a option last, first

35.How to get the one form controls in other form.

36.What are the default fields of data entity when created.

37.Can method parameters be changed when coc is taken.

Ans : NO

38.Difference between computed and virtual fields.

39.Where to write code for entity validation.

40.Define the property of ISPUBLIC in data entity.

41.Define the Architeture of D365 f&O.

42.How many elements can be created in enum.

43.In how many ways we get the lookup.

Ans : EDT, Auto lookup, Lookup Code. Relations

44.Difference between select and select firstonly.

45.Can we stop the standard validation.

Ans : yes

46.What is CAR report.

Ans : It is a report which is generated by running a command in Command prompt. Report specifies the errors and bp warnings.

47.Suppose we have the control property allow edit is YES, In coding we have done allow edit as NO,

Now which one is going to work.

48. What are keys in Data entity. Can we create a data entity without primary key.

Ans : yes, but it is not accurate. You will get errors when exporting.

49. Difference between financial dimension and ledger dimension.

Ans : Main account will be specified in ledger dimension

50.Define XDS and difference between normal security and XDS.

51.How to export all companies data through Data entity.

52.How to filter data and export through Data entity.

53.Which method is used to stop the standard validation in dataentity.

Ans : public void persistEntity(DataEntityRuntimeContext _entityCtx)


    this.skipDataSourceValidateField(fieldNum(ProjOnAccTransEntity, TransId), true);





54. What are business events and why we use business events.

55.What are layers in D365 f&o.

56.Can we apply delete action on standard table.

Ans. No

57.What is the data format for the export of Composite data entity.

Ans : XML

58.Tables and classes involved for creation of Journals  and posting.

Ans.GenralJournalEntry, GenralJournalAccountEntry, LedgerJournalTale, LedgerJournalTrans.

Classes – LedgerJournalCheckpost, journalcheckpost.

59. What are dynamic queries.?

Ans. Qurey,Qbds,Qbr Etc.

60. Difference between the add datasourcetable and adddatasource in dynamics query.

Ans. Datasourcedtable specifies that table which is already present in form. We use addsource when the table is not available in form datasources.

61.How to hide report parameters.(paramters from contract class).

Ans. In report parameter property there will be a option for hide.

62.What happens when Temp table buffer is made null. Does the data in the buffer will be erased.?

Ans. Yes

63.Difference between while and do while loop. And what is for loop.

·       Ans : While loop

Evaluates the condition before executing the statement(s). This is known as an entry-controlled loop. If the condition is false, the loop body will not execute at all.

·       Do while loop

Executes the statement(s) at least once before evaluating the condition. This is known as an exit-controlled loop. The loop body will execute at least once, regardless of whether the condition is true or false


64.What is database synchronisation.

Ans : Adding the object which are newly created to the database.

65.What is a sub report.

66.What is the purpose of security privileges in entity.

Ans : For import and export time we can assign the privilege to the user for read or for full access.

67.During Import time debug is not triggering for entities, any reason.?

Ans : uncheck the field in entity in frontend.

68.How do you get the API’s from third party to D365f&o.?

69.How do you debug the UAT instance.?

Ans : Take UAT access i.e., JIT , the uat wll be connected to dev for 8 hrs.

70.How many times does MAPENTITYTODATASOURCE triggers when imported in data entity.

Ans. Based on datasources count and no of record.

Ex. 4 datasources in entity, suppose 100 lines are inserting then it triggers 400 times.

71.How to skip datasource in Dataentity for import.

Ans. In code level we need to get the dataset and Skip method will be there.

72.How to decide which integration.

73.Fields should not be available in export format, it should be only used in code.

Ans: Field property in entity level.

Delloite Interview Questions :

1.Which integration you choose in ODATA and Custom Service.

Ans : I choose custom service because of custom JSON format and can apply any complexity.

2. How you make standard field mandatory, you don’t know from  where the data is coming.

Ans : Table-Validate write(but this doesn’t work for do update and do insert)

3.Which class you choose COC or Event hanlder, I want posting to done if the API is failed to send the information.

Ans: Event handler , because in coc if error occurs at one point even after is at after next call,it stops standard posting also.

4. How do you apply filters in ODATA and Custom Service.

Ans: In OData I will apply filerts in API, In Custom service will apply in coding part.

5.What activities you have performed on LCS.

6. There is method in a standard class, In that method data is inserting into a standard table but the table for is a local buffer which is defined in method only, how do you populate the data for a custom field using this method.

Ans : Will take the extension of this method after next call I will update the record because the record will be already inserted before the next call.

7.Have you done code deployment, merging and branching.

8. How do you generate a different logos for Same report in different legal entities.

Ans : I will make multiple designs for report , based on the legal entity by using CurExt() function I will call my report in main method of controller class.

Or by getting the record using args.record()

9.O Data or Custom service which one works more efficient.

Ans : O Data because it is developed by Microsoft.

10.If you want to create a purchase order through custom service, for what .fields you specify the data.

Ans : Legal entity, Purchase order number, Vendor account (for header)

Item id, quantity, Amount (line).


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My Requirement is Delete option in Vendor Master for all roles except System Administrator

   [FormControlEventHandler(formControlStr(VendParameters, VendParameters_YNV_VendorMasterDeletionOption), FormControlEventType::Modified)] ...